
As a director, you are the creative center that motivates a team that helps you realize your creative promises while respecting a shooting schedule and budget.

You arrive prepared with a well-developed idea and visualization of the film backed by a shot list and/or storyboard. With these tools, you communicate your vision to others who are essential to getting your film made.

Building your shot list

Build Your Film Shot List Like A Pro

If you don’t know where to begin building your shot list, you need to get a read on the emotional content of your material. ..

Scene Coverage: You Can’t Film It All

Scene coverage in film means filming a scene from many angles to get enough shots for the editor, but an entire scene on each angle burns up time and

Six Transition Points For Seamless Edits

As you plan your shot list for scene coverage, also visualize the transition points (cutting points) between the shots as well. 

Screen Continuity

Screen Direction Axis of Action, Imaginary Line, 180 Degree Rule – if there’s one argument on the set with repeat-offender status, it’s often over screen direction –

Matching eyelines on continuity cut

Continuity Editing – When Shots Don’t Match

What could be a frightful continuity error for a newbie editor, is a fresh challenge for a pro editor to solve – “Focus on the eyes.”

film teacher Dive Simens

“Don’t Do a Short! Don’t Do a Short Film!”

The long and the ‘short’ of it with Two-Day Film School guru Dov Simens who insists, “Don’t do a short! It’s so dumb!”~

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